How To Get Out Of Survival Mode
How Do You Know You’re In Survival Mode?
You don’t need to get a second job or a side hustle (who has the time?) in order to get out of survival mode quickly.
But you do need to work hard on fixing your perspective to change your circumstances.
When you are struggling to meet your basic needs you are in survival mode.
Meeting your basic needs can mean being able to afford your rent/mortgage, eating proper foods(not eating from the dollar menu several times a week), having disposable cash, having healthy supportive relationships, etc.
Struggling in these areas exposes your resistance to new ideas and change.
In the areas of life that you desperately need change, you may have some traits of laziness, stubbornness, over-indulgence and being stuck in a rut. You also have some attachments that are no longer serving you that are stopping your progression.
Continue reading to learn how to change the perspective on your life and start seeing positive change almost immediately.
Be Concerned With How The Universe Sees You
Look the part.
This is not fake it ’til you make it. Your outer appearance is also a magnet. If you are striving for stability (financial, emotional, social, etc), at least appearing to be grounded will automatically attract other stable people in your life. Like attracts like and if you appear to be disheveled and unstable in several areas of your life, the same kinds of people will find their way to you.
Having a decent wardrobe, well-taken-care-of possessions and some money in your pocket actually make you feel better about yourself and when you feel good about yourself, you emit that abundant energy in which the universe brings you more to feel good about.
Maintain The Status Quo
There are tried and true systems when it comes to making, saving and investing money; so follow those rules, but also understand that money is energy, a currency, and currency needs to move.
Another way of maintaining the status quo is to regularly invest in what you care about.
If you have dreams to start your own business or help others through charity and you have a steady means of acquiring and saving money such as a job, using some of the means to invest in what you care about shows the universe what you believe is of value.
You must methodically continue to invest in what is valuable to you in order to grow it.
You are maintaining a status quo if you are routinely eating a heavy meal every evening with dessert. This has become the status quo for you and because you do this systematically, your body and the presence of illness will eventually expand as a result.
If you start a business and routinely spend the profits on courses, mentorships, seminars, equipment, etc. your business and confidence will grow.
This is how nature works. Plants that routinely get sun, water, grooming, etc. will grow beautifully and bear fruit.
Create a new status quo and maintain it. This is also the law of sowing and reaping or cause and effect.
Figure Out What Makes You Insecure And Fix It
Maybe it’s your financial situation, or your skin problems, or issues with your car. Whatever it is, you are carrying low-vibrational energy which is only attracting more attention and ill feelings towards your insecurity.
Do whatever you can to eliminate your insecurities because confidence is a much more comfortable vibration and frequency to operate on.
Go see a dermatologist, get a money coach, clean your car every week/buy a new one or even get surgery (#nojudgement) if you want to boost your confidence and see real change in your life.
Fixing your insecurities changes your frequency and you can attract faster and better things to you when your confidence is high #af.
Be A Harmonious Person
Do you complain about your circumstances? Your job? Traffic? Family members? When your food order is wrong? Do you have a negative or cynical disposition like At. All. Times?
The best way to feel secure is to be grateful.
There is always someone who has it worse than you. Begin appreciating your possessions, your co-workers, your health, and your loved ones.
Complaining repels, appreciation attracts. Be a pleasant person to be around in order to strengthen your influence and effect on others.
Give Away Money and/or Time
Sincerely building up others with your money and time will reciprocate into your own life.
What goes around comes around.
Also, investing in others feels good and feeling good raises your frequency.
If you are consistently helping others, the law of exchange applies to you and others will be willing to help you.
The good feelings associated with genuine giving allow you to feel established and secure.
Cultivate vibrating on this frequency in order to get out of survival mode.
As aforementioned, money is currency. Current must flow like water. If you are stingy with your resources, you become stagnant and will not progress. If you do not progress, you begin to go backward. You can give in any capacity you see fit as long as you give sincerely and genuinely and without expectation or with the sense that it is a return on investment.
Love What You Do And Be Balanced
Work-life balance is crucial and you must have regular activities in your life that you love.
Develop healthy, feel-good routines into your everyday life.
These should be non-negotiable activities.
Your commitment to doing things you love and that make you feel good is a conversation with the universe to keep and expand these things in your life.
This will also make the less enjoyable parts of the day more manageable.
The correlation between unpleasant work and bad health is real.
There isn’t much of anything you can do when you are sick. So even if you don’t enjoy your job, find something that offsets that unhappiness in order to minimize the negativity attached to it.
Complete Yourself
Be 100% truthful with yourself. What are your bad habits? Are you enabling yourself or allowing others to enable you? Are you an undisciplined or irresponsible person?
Learn how to make yourself better without relying on others, possessions or anything else outside of you to motivate you.
Changing your detrimental habits, thoughts and actions for ones that are beneficial for you set you on a new prosperous path.
The longer you stay on course with new positive habits, you gain momentum and the law of compounding becomes very real to the point where you don’t even recognize yourself anymore, and that’s a good thing!
Hate Poverty
Yes, hatred is a low-vibrational state, but all energies can be used to your advantage.
Also, please don’t confuse this message with fear.
Instead of making decisions based on fear or lack, using the energy of hate of poverty will keep you aligned with not compromising your true value and never excepting less than what you deserve in life.
Poverty is a mindset and it grows by feeling like you are a victim of your circumstances, being jealous of others prosperity, focusing on what you don’t have in life or even fearing your own success.
When you shift your mindset to an abundant one, you experience true power and a larger sense of control in your life.
When you master this mindset, it doesn’t matter what external things are stripped away from you, because you will know there’s always more where that came from.
Be A Forever Student of Yourself
Learn from your mistakes.
Question yourself and figure out how you got to where you are and where you want to be.
When you are clear on that, be solution-oriented.
Come up with new ideas, experiments or approaches to how you will solve your problems and follow through on them. You will feel inspired and a spark to do something significant with your life by having a practical plan that will shake you out of your rut.
Continue To Grow Your Network
You are the sum of the five people you spend the most of your time with.
You will not elevate yourself out of survival mode if your closest relationships are negative, unsupportive, unsuccessful or critical.
It is even better to be alone than be around this type of energy.
If you spend your leisure time at the neighborhood tavern where the main topics of conversation are about how their glory days were in high school and complaining about the government or what’s on the news, meanwhile, they shoot down your dreams and ideas of how you plan on making your life better, that’s a very dangerous energy and it’s very difficult to avoid absorbing it.
Meet new people- anyone that’s doing better than you in areas where you strive to get better.
They can be from any industry and culture. Find people (in person, on the internet, in books, where ever) who specialize in what they do and learn from them and how they got to be where they are.
Learn the principles they use to stay motivated and disciplined to succeed.
Find Your Tribe
Being with like-minded people helps ground you in the world knowing there are others out there that want the same things in life that you do.
Finding like-minded people keep us inspired. We are strongly influenced by our social circle.
If you are trying to get out of survival mode quickly, this is a time to be very strategic in your surroundings and selection of friends.
Similar to growing your network, it is important to be clear about where you want to be in your next level of life and put yourself in those places where those people hang out.
Being strategic in this way opens you up to opportunities.
Cutting out or cutting back on hanging out with people who don’t want to excel like you do allows the universe to bring the perfect people into your life that can transform everything.
As you continue to develop yourself, you also become more secure with who you are and you can become a better friend and cultivate a tribe that will support you no matter what.
Learn To Love Being Alone
Chill out.
Take moments of solitude to figure out how you can help others find peace.
When you are in survival mode, you are in a rush/anxiety frequency. In this state, you miss opportunities that present themselves at the moment.
The best way to know and see that the universe has your back is by being still and quiet.
You must make time to be alone with yourself in order to feel that there is no lack of opportunity and to release pressure.
When you seek solitude, you attract peace and acceptance, which will allow you to work through problems effectively.
This is also how you stop and smell the roses because appreciation and gratitude are the keys to rebooting your faith and purpose back into your life.
Camille Thomas is the founder/writer at DiligentCopy, a freelance copywriting and research company specializing in natural health and wellness content. She helps brands dedicated to natural health and wellness reach their goals with original, creative content (Website copy, blogs, whitepapers, research papers, etc.) about alternative medicine and healing, spirituality, veganism, ethical fashion, and more.